February 20, 2013


If you are lucky enough to have a photogenic friend I bet you take every opportunity to collaborate with them. 
Arina is not only a beautiful one but we also have lots of fun when we are together. She is far away now on the rainy island drinking tea with milk probably while I'm posting this pictures and reminiscing about the old times. When are you back, Mrs. Tottenham-Smith?

HERE you can see the last bridal shoot with her.

February 7, 2013

february story

So here we are. Thirty-eight days after I declared 2013 to be the year of importance. It’s been a rather subjective month. The type of month for abstract thoughts that never can find the right words. The sort of progress that has very little to show, but is oh so necessary in order to move forward. I’m sure you’ve had that sort of month. 
That being said, I feel different in my world. All the thoughts I was afraid to think, decisions I was too scared to announce, well, all of that stuff became the stuff of courage and bravery. Hear me roar.
February 2013 has brought into my life some unexpected turn of events and it's only the beginning of all the amazing stuff that's going to happen. Meanwhile working and playing I also manage to takes photos of people and here is the first photoshoot I'm posting even it's the last one I've taken. 
After this "rainy" snow I was wet through yet still happy because my heart said that something amazing was on it's way. And it found me.

Lera, February, 2013

listening to the Naked and Famous- Passive me, Aggressive you